Here's a few sites which I have extremely useful in my journey over the last year. I've also added a few people who have been super helpful sharing their skills with me.
Sam Waterhouse who co-wrote my book with me, tested my recipes and is now a Nutritional Therapist.
ME sufferers can often have candida and so by tackling the candida first they can help thenselves to feel better through diet.
Diana Powley is fantastic if you need help with removing the reason for your sugar addiction. Shes also great for phobias, stopping smoking, gastric band hypnotherapy etc.
Well being coach and amazing Yoga/ Pilates teacher, Nicolette Wilson
A really useful link which covers to eat and not not eat. Don't forget different things work for different people
Helped me on my journey into cooking with coconut flour
A little background reading on Xylitol and a few recipes too.
A fantastic resource of alternative foods, recipes and help
Sid Betty, Precision Nutrition Coach and Personal Trainer: For personal nutritional advice for optimal performance and fat loss and personal training
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